5th hr. 21 LCOD PUZZLE #2

  1. 1. most people will ____ from pneumonia
  2. 4. type of xray to help detect pneumonia
  3. 5. percent of breast cancer occurring in women
  4. 6. Heredity and ___ cause Nephritis
  5. 7. excessive thirst, hunger, sweating are symptoms
  6. 10. cause of heart disease
  7. 11. 10,690 women die from this type of cancer
  8. 14. common symptom of Influenza
  9. 15. plays a very small role in COPD
  10. 17. a new ___ in the breast is a sign of breast cancer
  11. 18. a stroke occurs every ___seconds
  12. 19. a type of test measuring lung function
  13. 21. side of the ___ droops could be a stroke
  14. 22. which type of nephritis is the most common
  15. 24. short for Influenza
  1. 2. inability to learn and ___are symptoms of Alz
  2. 3. Being ___ will prevent accidents
  3. 8. ___headaches is one symptom of cancer
  4. 9. main method of self-harm
  5. 12. is a symptom of heart disease
  6. 13. one___ adults are affected by pneumonia
  7. 16. there are two _____ of diabetes
  8. 20. age group most affected by self-harm
  9. 22. most common type of cancer
  10. 23. this builds up and can cause Alzheimer's