5th Infectious and Non-Infectious

  1. 2. Burns, breaks, sprains, etc.
  2. 6. When the cells in the body grow too much.
  3. 7. Causes diseases like tuberculosis.
  4. 8. When we eat, drink, breathe, or touch toxic substances.
  5. 10. Relates to a bad diet. (____________ diseases)
  6. 11. Parasites that live in human beings. One example is plasmodium.
  7. 12. Exaggerated reactions of the body when it is in contact with pollen, the hair of cats or dogs, etc.
  1. 1. Affects the circulatory system.(__________ diseases)
  2. 3. We get them from our parents during pregnancy or birth. (_________ diseases)
  3. 4. Cause diseases like athletes foot and ringworm.
  4. 5. Affects the respiratory system.(________ diseases)
  5. 9. Cause some illnesses like the flu, the common cold, and COVID-19.