6 Branches of the Army in Under 5 min.

  1. 1. The Coast Guard does ___ missions.
  2. 5. ___ are considered the main components of the Air Force.
  3. 9. Army Reserve & National Guard allow soldiers to serve ___-time while maintaining a civilian career.
  4. 11. In World War 2, The U.S. Navy defeated Imperial ___.
  5. 12. The Marine Corps guards most U.S. ___ around the world.
  6. 16. The longest basic training of any military branch is ___ weeks.
  7. 17. The oldest branch of the U.S. military
  8. 21. One goal of the Air Force is to assert air ___.
  9. 22. The Navy is the ___ largest branch of the U.S. military in personnel.
  10. 23. Number of weeks in Army basic training
  11. 25. In peace time, the Coast Guard is part of the Department of ___ Security.
  12. 26. Regular army, National Guard and Army___ make up the Army's 3 components.
  1. 2. The Air Force offers huge support for land ___.
  2. 3. The first space war is also known as the ___ Gulf war.
  3. 4. The Air Force receives over $216 ___ dollars in funding.
  4. 6. The month that the Army was first formed
  5. 7. The Marine Corps is organized under the department of the ___.
  6. 8. Youngest military branch
  7. 10. The Army and Navy require the same number of weeks for basic ___.
  8. 13. The U.S. army consists of about 1___soldiers.
  9. 14. The Navy is the ___ oldest military branch.
  10. 15. How many weeks is Coast Guard basic training?
  11. 18. About how many spacecraft does Space Force oversee?
  12. 19. Semper Fidelis means always ___ in Latin.
  13. 20. the ___ Guard intervenes in natural disasters like Tsunamis.
  14. 24. In what month is the Marine Corps birthday.