6.2.6 Factors That Influence Human Growth and Development

  1. 2. Impact Affects body organs, causes permanent damage
  2. 3. Intake Necessary for red blood cell production
  3. 4. Effects Negative impact on heart, liver, brain, and more
  4. 6. Arteries narrow due to cholesterol deposits
  5. 8. Choices Decisions made that impact health and development
  6. 11. Compulsive use of substances, posing danger
  7. 12. Smoke Inhaling smoke from others' cigarettes
  1. 1. Substances causing cancer
  2. 5. Use Highly addictive, affects mood and behavior
  3. 7. II Diabetes Result of insulin resistance from sugar intake
  4. 9. Development Growth of the unborn child during pregnancy
  5. 10. Diabetes Diabetes during pregnancy, affecting birth weight