  1. 2. how things in populations change according to their environment
  2. 3. when organisms become used and fitted to their area/environment
  3. 5. predator consumes prey, repeats
  4. 7. all living components of an ecosystem
  5. 9. organisms going against one another for things like territory (ex: timber wolves vs gray wolves)
  6. 10. organisms reproduce at a constant rate and rate of growth; J-shaped curve; ideal conditions, unlimited resources
  7. 11. growth is exponential; as resources drop, population growth drops; S-shaped curve
  8. 12. reduces everything in the environment the same way; mostly abiotic: weather, human activities, and natural disasters
  1. 1. has a greater effect when the area is crowded; competition, predation, disease, and parasitism
  2. 4. organisms going against one another for the exact same things but they cannot coexist because of this
  3. 6. nonliving, may be chemical or physical
  4. 8. biggest # of individuals the environment can support