6th grade Chpt 1, Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. one of Wegener’s evidence was that ____ of animals were found on different continents today
  2. 8. Wegener looked at maps and thought the continents could fit together like a jigsaw ____
  3. 12. when subduction occurs, it is because one plate is more ___ than the other
  4. 14. __ ___ ___ can form along a convergent boundary
  5. 15. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates move in opposite directions from each other with little up and down movement
  6. 17. this fault is a famous one running through California
  7. 20. the thin outer most layer of the earth- the layer on which we live
  8. 22. Hess showed from drilling samples that the further you get from mid-ocean ridges, the ___ the rock is
  9. 23. this part of the earth is solid nickel and iron
  10. 25. many did not believe Wegener because he couldn’t explain how the continents _____
  11. 26. he proposed the Theory of Plate Tectonics
  12. 28. another of Wegener’s evidence was that ___ tracks have been found in Africa and __ fossils in Antarctica
  13. 29. the crust is broken into pieces called ___ ___
  14. 30. the Theory of Plate Tectonics states that the plates are floating and moving along the ___
  15. 32. the upper part of the mantle
  16. 33. the process of one plate moving down under another because it is more dense
  17. 34. because this is so high, the molten material near the core heats and rises
  18. 35. this part of the earth is liquid nickel and iron
  1. 1. how closely packed particles are in something
  2. 2. this scientist prosed the idea of sea floor spreading
  3. 3. this can form on land at a divergent boundary
  4. 5. Wegener’s supercontinent was called this
  5. 6. this scientist thought all the continents were once together
  6. 7. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates move apart
  7. 9. a ___ ___ is where 2 plates meet
  8. 10. in the ocean, at divergent boundaries, this land feature forms
  9. 11. Hess saw ___ ___ at mid-ocean ridge sites, they form when molten material cools quickly in water
  10. 13. any place where there is a crack in the crust
  11. 16. the lower part of the mantle
  12. 18. the layer in the Earth that has the most volume- composed of molten rock
  13. 19. Wegener thought all the continents moved apart in a process called __ __
  14. 21. this, in the mantle, is what is causing the plates to move
  15. 24. if the plate densities are similar along a convergent boundary, the ___ many form as they crush together
  16. 25. this evidence for seafloor spreading shows repeating patterns of earth’s magnetic signature in the rocks
  17. 27. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates come together
  18. 31. this technology uses sound waves to map the ocean floor