6th Grade Orchestra Crossword #1

  1. 3. To play fast
  2. 6. How loud or soft to play
  3. 7. To gradually play softer
  4. 10. (p) To play softly
  5. 11. To be played very short (from the beginning of the year)
  6. 12. Medium Speed
  7. 14. Signature The numbers at the beginning of a piece of music
  8. 15. To play with the bow
  9. 17. To play fast
  10. 18. A symbol that means to raise a sound by one half step
  1. 1. A tool to help musicians keep a steady beat
  2. 2. To pluck the strings
  3. 4. Signature The sharps and flats (or nothing) for a piece of music
  4. 5. Playing in tune
  5. 8. (f) To play loudly
  6. 9. To lower a sound by one half step
  7. 11. To play medium speed
  8. 13. al fine Go back to the beginning and stop at the Fine
  9. 16. To play smoothly