6th grade science so far

  1. 3. the Asthenosphere has this property which means it's a solid with the ability to flow
  2. 5. this is the deepest layer of the earth, split into an "outer" and "inner"
  3. 7. a measure of how long something takes to travel
  4. 9. layer of earth's core made of solid metal
  5. 10. Earth's layers are broken into sections and are called these, examples are Eurasian and Indo-Australian
  6. 11. nonliving factors in nature
  7. 16. type of reproduction that creates unique offspring
  8. 19. this type of element is called a semiconductor and can be found on the "staircase"
  9. 20. a pure substance made by combining two or more different elements like H2O
  10. 21. When energy is stored and builds up to become something else, affected by height
  11. 22. a push or a pull on something
  12. 24. this form of energy is from the flow of electrons and is found in outlets where you plug things in
  13. 26. living factors in nature
  14. 28. A rock in space smaller than a moon covered in ice
  15. 31. This property of matter is found by dividing mass by volume to find of something sinks or floats in water
  16. 32. a measure of how far something travels
  17. 34. domain Eukarya is split into these 4
  18. 36. an organism made of ONE cell only like bacteria
  19. 38. This is a complex cell that You are made of
  20. 40. when two plate boundaries divide and create rifts
  21. 42. this means "a change" usually of energy types like from electrical to mechanical for example
  22. 43. layer of Earth Lit up by the sun and broken into plates
  23. 44. when forces are ___ there is no change in motion because everything is equal
  1. 1. this form of energy is from movement, its the grand total of potential and kinetic energy
  2. 2. A ball of hot gas in space that emits light and planets orbit it
  3. 4. Earth does this every 24 hours on its axis
  4. 5. this form of energy is stored in batteries, food, and gasoline
  5. 6. the largest layer of Earth
  6. 8. The moon does this every 27 days around the Earth
  7. 12. This is the type of cell bacteria is made of
  8. 13. This is the brain of a Eukaryotic cell which holds its DNA
  9. 14. this type of element is a good insulator and brittle
  10. 15. A celestial object that orbits a star
  11. 16. this can be calculated by dividing distance by time
  12. 17. the release of energy, affected by speed
  13. 18. largest category of taxonomy
  14. 20. What all living things are made of
  15. 23. this type of element is a good conductor and shiny
  16. 24. a pure substance made of one type of atom like Gold
  17. 25. something that can make its own food automatically by photosynthesis
  18. 27. when two plate boundaries collide and make mountains
  19. 29. when two plates slip and slide to create earthquakes
  20. 30. this form of energy can be seen as light but includes the full electromagnetic spectrum
  21. 33. A rock in space that is not round and is found in a belt between Mars and Jupiter
  22. 35. The force that holds planets in orbit in space and makes things fall in Earth
  23. 37. this property of matter determines how shiny something is.
  24. 39. top layer of Earth, like the edge of a pizza
  25. 41. genetic material found in all cells