- 2. The universe is expanding and likely will _____
- 4. beyond Neptune’s orbit in our solar system
- 6. the ___ _____ of most stars are around 73% Hydrogen, 25 % Helium, 2%other
- 8. the sun has reactions called nuclear ____ that release heat and light
- 15. this space ship was the ones to carry astronauts to the moon
- 17. the inner layer of the sun
- 19. he, in 1920 discovered that galaxies are moving away from Earth and each other
- 21. spirit and ___ are the names of the 2 rovers sent to Mars in 2003
- 22. Russian to first orbit Earth
- 26. this is the motion of objects against background stars, it Helps determine distance
- 27. what the first formation of planets were called as rock and dust were brought together with gravity
- 29. the distance of stars is measured in ____ ____
- 31. a large cloud of gas and dust containing an immense volume of material
- 35. a craft that carries scientific instrumentation to gather info
- 37. the outer white glowing area of the sun’s atmosphere
- 39. the name of our galaxy
- 40. the inner layer of the sun’s atmosphere
- 41. how we measure distance in space
- 43. spinning neutron stars
- 44. flares gases/heat that erupt into space
- 45. huge loops of gases
- 46. this layer is the outer layer of the sun
- 47. these are used to determine the types of elements in stars
- 50. wind electrical particles coming off the sun
- 51. name of the re-usable rocket built in the 80s by the US
- 52. this zone is the middle layer of the sun
- 53. when a star starts to run out of fuel it glows from leftover fuel, it is called this
- 54. this may form from material leftover from a supernova- small but dense
- 56. when large stars run out of fuel, within hours it blazes a million times brighter – this explosion is called this
- 1. these telescopes use mirrors to collect light
- 3. waaaay beyond Neptune in our solar system, beyond the Kuiper belt
- 5. the __ ___ ____ states that the universe formed in an instant in an enormous explosion
- 7. 99.85% of the mass of our solar system is the ____
- 8. scientists belive the universe came into being ___ billion years ago
- 9. the densest part of the nebula- a contracting nebula pulling in to form this
- 10. the hottest stars are this color
- 11. These are made up of millions of stars
- 12. these 2 probes 1 & 2 were sent in the 1970s to explore the outer planets
- 13. the name of the joint space station launched in the 90s
- 14. the ____ brightness of a star is the brightness it would have if it were a standard distance from Earth
- 16. dog launched into space by the Russian in the 1950s
- 18. the average distance from Earth to the sun is ___ AU
- 20. our sun will last approximately 5 ____ more years
- 23. ___ stars last longer than ___ ones
- 24. this lunar module landed on mars with 3 US astronauts
- 25. very large stars may only last 10 ____ years
- 28. area between Mars and Jupiter
- 30. Massive stars when they die can become this- after a supernova explosion
- 32. he, in the 1600’s found the true distance from Earth to the sun and Earth to Venus
- 33. these telescopes use many lenses
- 34. ice, dust, rock moving around the sun in a large orbit that originates in the Oort cloud
- 36. the first space station made in the 1970s
- 38. areas on the sun that are cooler
- 42. the middle layer of the sun’s atmosphere
- 48. the ____ brightness of a star is how bright is seems from Earth
- 49. a ___ planet is an object that orbits the sun but does not have its own clear path
- 55. the ___ of this indicates temperature of the star