6th- topic 4 Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. how closely packed particles are in something
  2. 4. scientists that study volcanoes and predict eruptions
  3. 5. the paper showing the lines that were recoded during an earthquake
  4. 6. this evidence for seafloor spreading shows repeating patterns of earth’s magnetic signature in the rocks
  5. 10. Wegener thought all the continents moved apart in a process called __ __
  6. 13. the place on the surface of earth directly above the focus of an earthquake
  7. 17. in the ocean, at divergent boundaries, this land feature forms
  8. 19. if the plate densities are similar along a convergent boundary, ___ may form as they crush together
  9. 20. magma that has reached the surface is called this
  10. 24. the forces of ___ movement cause earthquakes
  11. 25. this scientist prosed the idea of sea floor spreading
  12. 28. this volcano type is cone shaped and tall
  13. 29. eruptions of a volcano where magma has a lot of silica- high silica is thick and sticky so it collects and move slowly and pressure builds up
  14. 31. name for a collapsed volcano
  15. 33. volcano that poses little threat but could become active
  16. 34. stress that compresses rock
  17. 37. this, in the mantle, is what is causing the plates to move
  18. 38. when a rock folds and curves down like a U or V
  19. 41. fine particles from the explosion of a volcano
  20. 42. when is lava flowing out cracks over many years it forms this
  21. 44. this fault is formed from shearing stress
  22. 45. a fold in the rock that arches up
  23. 46. a force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume
  24. 51. this part of the earth is liquid nickel and iron
  25. 53. this is the wall that is always on top in a fault
  26. 55. this part of the earth is solid nickel and iron
  27. 56. he proposed the Theory of Plate Tectonics
  28. 61. __ ___ ___ can form along a convergent boundary where subduction is happening
  29. 63. Hess saw ___ ___ at mid-ocean ridge sites, they form when molten material cools quickly in water
  30. 65. these waves during an earthquake are the most destructive- they are slow moving and a combination of P and S waves
  31. 67. the crust is broken into pieces called ___ ___
  32. 69. many did not believe Wegener because he couldn’t explain how the continents _____
  33. 71. this volcanism happens when plates move and the volcanoes move with them and new ones form where the crust is still melting and rising
  34. 73. the many plate boundaries around the Pacific Ocean and lots of volcanic activity give the area this name
  35. 75. fault that happened when the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall
  36. 76. also called the hypocenter- the place where an earthquake happens underground
  37. 77. the process of one plate moving down under another because it is more dense
  38. 78. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates move in opposite directions from each other with little up and down movement
  39. 79. this volcano type is where lava comes out of new vents
  40. 80. the Theory of Plate Tectonics states that the plates are floating and moving along the ___
  1. 1. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates move apart
  2. 2. a ___ boundary is where 2 plates come together
  3. 7. the instrument that can detect earthquakes
  4. 8. this volcano type has slow steady eruptions- lava flows out and builds up over a broad area
  5. 9. this scale rates the magnitude of earthquakes from 0-10
  6. 11. this can form on land at a divergent boundary
  7. 12. during an earthquake, these waves are the first to arrive and compress the land
  8. 14. where magma collects in a volcano
  9. 15. this type of mountain forms when 2 pieces of rock on either side of it slip down (normal fault) and the mountain is left behind
  10. 16. the lower part of the mantle
  11. 18. when subduction occurs, it is because one plate is more ___ than the other
  12. 21. Wegener’s supercontinent was called this
  13. 22. in a reverse fault, the hanging wall moves ___ relative to the foot wall
  14. 23. this is the wall that is always on the bottom in a fault
  15. 26. stress that scrapes against rock as it moves side by side in opposite directions
  16. 27. any place where there is a crack in the crust
  17. 30. cooling lava forms this type of rock
  18. 32. because this is so high, the molten material near the core heats and rises
  19. 35. one of Wegener’s evidence was that ____ of animals were found on different continents today
  20. 36. Wegener looked at maps and thought the continents could fit together like a jigsaw ____
  21. 39. the thin outer most layer of the earth- the layer on which we live
  22. 40. stress that stretches rock
  23. 43. volcano that is an immediate threat for eruption
  24. 44. during an earthquake these waves are the second to arrive and move the land up and down like ripples
  25. 47. the layer in the Earth that has the most volume- composed of molten rock
  26. 48. you need seismic recording from at least ____ different seismographs to locate the epicenter
  27. 49. volcano that has little threat of eruption
  28. 50. these cause the plates to move
  29. 52. Hess showed from drilling samples that the further you get from mid-ocean ridges, the ___ the rock is
  30. 54. this is an instrument used to detect changes in the tilt of a volcano’s slope
  31. 57. the upper part of the mantle
  32. 58. this scientist thought all the continents were once together
  33. 59. these can forms leading away from the pipe in a volcano
  34. 60. a ___ ___ is where 2 plates meet
  35. 62. pebble like magma thrown from a volcanic explosion
  36. 64. eruptions where lava is thin and runny- gases bubble out quietly
  37. 66. a single area of flat rock that can be pushed up due to forces underground
  38. 68. this technology uses sound waves to map the ocean floor
  39. 70. the channel through which magma flows to the surface in a volcano
  40. 72. another of Wegener’s evidence was that ___ tracks have been found in Africa and __ fossils in Antarctica- showing climate change
  41. 74. this transform fault is a famous one running through California