7 Down

  1. 2. Hemingway's "In ___ Time"
  2. 3. Red light
  3. 4. Fauna
  4. 6. Mummify
  5. 8. Fill in ___ blank
  6. 10. Roadside rubbish
  7. 12. Smog and debris
  8. 14. ___ quote me on this, but...
  9. 15. Shuffle: intern venom
  1. 1. Netflix show: "How to get away with ___"
  2. 3. ___ as pdf
  3. 5. Change of "heart"
  4. 7. Read every word in numerical order([3A][12D][12A][11D][10A][14A][1D][4A][6A][8A][15A][13D][9D][3D][2A][5D]
  5. 9. Verb
  6. 11. Common connector
  7. 12. Petroleum-based non-biodegradable product
  8. 13. Scene-filming attempt