70th Anniversary Crossword

  1. 3. General in command of D-Day invasion.
  2. 6. U.S. development of the nuclear bomb.
  3. 8. Turning point of war in the pacific.
  4. 10. Where Japanese Americans were sent after Pearl Harbor
  5. 11. Act that got more Americans to join the army.
  6. 12. Russian dictator during world war 2.
  7. 13. Longest and largest battle of the pacific war.
  8. 14. What brought the U.S. into world war 2
  9. 16. German chancellor during world war 2.
  1. 1. Old blood and guts.
  2. 2. Britain’s reason for joining the war
  3. 4. Name of nuclear bomb dropped over Nagasaki.
  4. 5. Japanese pilots who crashed their planes into enemy ships on purpose.
  5. 7. Group of volunteer fighter pilots.
  6. 9. The mass genocide of Jews during WW2.
  7. 15. Name of nuclear bomb dropped over Hiroshima.