7.3 - A Bloody Conflict (WW I) (pp. 243-249)

  1. 1. American general who led the American Expeditionary Force (AEF).
  2. 7. Communists
  3. 10. Wilson suffered one of these in 1919.
  4. 12. More people were killed by this type of fire than any other weapon.
  5. 13. Organization created after the war to prevent future wars and to preserve peace.
  6. 15. World War I was the first use of this in war.
  7. 16. Wilson's plan for peace after WW I.
  8. 17. A group that travels with something, such as a ship, to protect it.
  9. 18. WW I quickly turned to this type of warfare.
  1. 2. To come to an agreement.
  2. 3. Weapon that caused vomiting, blindness, and suffocation.
  3. 4. These guys had an average life expectancy of about 2 weeks.
  4. 5. An interconnected system.
  5. 6. New & deadly weapon used in WW I.
  6. 8. A temporary agreement to stop fighting.
  7. 9. This country left the war when it had a communist revolt in 1917.
  8. 11. Payment by a losing country in a war to the winner for the damages caused by the war.
  9. 12. Sufficiently; completed to its minimum requirements
  10. 14. Battle in Sept 1918 that was the most massive offensive for the AEF of the war.