
  1. 1. funny and small, writes things in french for spanish homework
  2. 4. primary, gingerish hair, friends with rose
  3. 7. gets called bella and moved to our form
  4. 10. curly brown hair, really fast runner
  5. 11. really kind and has a candle account on instagram
  6. 13. Sit next to and
  7. 15. has music lessons and has a galaxy bag
  8. 16. really gorg and sits next to frosties
  9. 17. becky b
  10. 19. fran fran
  11. 21. wonderland, friends with sophie and went hannahs school
  12. 22. really sporty and tall
  13. 25. likes harry potter, in the same maths as me
  14. 26. mates with kathrin, part of the rock squad
  15. 28. reads a lot of books
  1. 2. Has glasses, my favourite person ever
  2. 3. went my primary and has brown hair
  3. 5. summer,autumn,spring and winter!
  4. 6. the most annoyingest sheep ever
  5. 8. likes harry potter and moved to our form
  6. 9. i sat next to her when we had miss smith for english
  7. 12. Really slyy and bullies me
  8. 14. has an ed sheeren song about her
  9. 18. says bananas are going to take over the world! char char
  10. 20. gets called scandy and has hair like elsa
  11. 23. has the same name as me but change one letter
  12. 24. gravy and doormoouse
  13. 26. draws on my face in maths, sit next to in maths
  14. 27. eats frosties and Miss wood HATES her