7th Chapter 2

  1. 3. a business group
  2. 6. mounted (rode on a horse) and armed warrior
  3. 8. Christian effort to retake the Iberian pennisula
  4. 9. a peasant tied to a landowner
  5. 11. a Catholic worship service
  6. 12. a lower-ranking noble who served a lord
  7. 13. a quickly spreading disease that kills many people
  8. 15. the code knights followed to be brave and respect noble women
  9. 17. the act of changing theology
  10. 18. an idea that goes against church teachings
  11. 19. the study of religion and God
  12. 20. an order to appear before a judge
  1. 1. people who travel to spread their religion
  2. 2. political order where nobles protect the people who work for them
  3. 4. land a lord would grant to a vassal
  4. 5. hatred toward Jews
  5. 7. a group of citizens who decide the guilt or innocence of an accused criminal
  6. 10. to start
  7. 14. narrow inlets of the sea
  8. 16. the spoken language of a region
  9. 21. and agreement between the pope an the leader of a country