7th Grade GP 1 Vocab Review

  1. 3. Smaller divisions in a piece of music, like chapters in a book
  2. 4. Small units of measurement in a piece of music, often between 2 and 4 beats long
  3. 7. The basic steady pulse of the music
  4. 9. A group of singers who perform together
  5. 10. Multiple voices in a melody and accompaniment style, with similar rhythms
  6. 12. A different spelling of the same note
  7. 15. A single piece of music for voice
  8. 16. The speed of the beat
  9. 17. Music that directly depicts the text
  10. 20. This family of instruments creates sound by using a reed or by blowing across a mouthpiece
  11. 21. French secular song
  12. 23. The common language of the region
  13. 24. The lines and spaces that music is written on
  14. 25. A secular dramatic work that tells a story through singing,costumes, sets, and acting
  15. 28. Italian secular song
  16. 29. The person who wrote the music
  17. 31. Note lengths
  1. 1. Latin (usually) sacred song
  2. 2. This family of instruments creates sound by striking a part of the instrument
  3. 5. Symbols (flats, sharps, etc.) that alter the pitch of a note
  4. 6. Multiple independent parts
  5. 7. This family of instruments creates sound by buzzing into a mouthpiece
  6. 8. The overall structure of a piece of music (ex. ABA)
  7. 11. One musical line
  8. 13. Another name for a piece of music
  9. 14. The time period in which the music was written
  10. 15. This family of instruments creates sound by bowing or plucking a string
  11. 18. The category of a piece of music
  12. 19. The symbol that shows the range of pitches (treble, bass, etc.)
  13. 22. Music written for religious purposes
  14. 26. The system of syllables used to learn singing
  15. 27. Music not written for religious purposes
  16. 30. Note range (high/low)