7th Grade History - Cattle Drives

  1. 2. These cowboys were treated much better on the range than anywhere else at the time.
  2. 8. A more western route through Texas up to Nebraska and other territories.
  3. 9. After slaves were freed in the south, many moved here to work on ranches.
  4. 12. Joseph McCoy chose this city for his main shipping point
  5. 13. A group of cows.
  6. 16. A synonym for “move.”
  7. 17. Out of the 35,000 cowboys that herded cows along western trails, this many were African-American.
  8. 18. The amount of years that the era of the cowboys and cattle trails lasted.
  9. 19. A person who owns land where animals are grown to eventually be sold.
  1. 1. Abilene was a major shipping point in this state.
  2. 3. A well-traveled trail used by cattle ranchers.
  3. 4. Historians estimate that this many cattle made their way up Chisholm Trail from 1867 to the mid-1880s.
  4. 5. The demand for this was growing substantially after the end of the Civil War.
  5. 6. A part-Cherokee Native American who made a wagon trail along a certain route that would later be named after him.
  6. 7. What the state of Oklahoma used to be known as.
  7. 10. A cattle shipper from Illinois that had the idea to herd cattle north through Texas and meet up with railroads in Kansas.
  8. 11. From railroads in Kansas, cattle would be loaded into railcars and transported in this direction.
  9. 14. This method of transportation expanded greatly during the time of the mass cattle movement of the 1800s.
  10. 15. Animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in North America.
  11. 20. A place to show off skills by riding bulls and bucking broncos.