7th Grade Social Studies Final Crossword Review

  1. 1. Nickname given to northern businessmen who tried making money in south after the Civil War
  2. 3. Cash payments made to the Dakota to buy food and supplies given by the US government
  3. 7. The Bureau of _____ was created to help the US assimilate all Native Americans into American culture (2 words)
  4. 10. The _____ Dakota DID NOT try to assimilate to American culture
  5. 12. To accuse a gov’t official of doing something wrong or improper
  6. 14. When cattle all rush somewhere at once it is called a _____
  7. 15. The _____ was the name given to the journey ranchers took to bring cattle to a railhead (2 words)
  8. 17. The _____ Proclamation aid that if slave states didn’t rejoin north by Jan. 1863 then ALL slaves in south would be set free
  9. 19. An _____ camp is a place where civilians, prisoners of war, political prisoners are held
  10. 21. Name given to thousands of Black Americans who took lands in Kansas after the Civil War
  11. 26. Fort _____ was attacked by South Carolina to start the Civil War
  12. 31. Name of the type of cattle found in Texas in the 1860’s
  13. 32. The _____ Dance was said to get rid of the Americans and bring back the buffalo herds
  14. 33. Last name of the assassin who killed Abraham Lincoln
  15. 34. A railroad that stretches across an entire continent
  16. 35. Racist laws passed in south intended to limit freedoms of all former slaves (2 words)
  17. 36. The 14th Amendment gave _____ to all Black Americans born on US soil and eventually for ALL racial identities in 1868
  18. 38. _____ wire fences were used to keep cattle on the ranches of their owners
  19. 40. People living in the city live in an _____ area
  20. 41. People living out in the country live in _____ areas
  21. 42. A portion of something that is assigned or given
  22. 44. The _____ Dakota tried to assimilate to American culture in an effort to keep their lands
  23. 45. All slaves were freed fully after the Civil War ended and were then called _____
  24. 46. The 13th Amendment abolished _____ in the United States
  1. 2. A decision not punish someone for a crime they have committed
  2. 4. Type of Civil War warship covered in metal plating
  3. 5. A _____ crop is a crop grown to make money
  4. 6. Main cash crop of Minnesota in the late 1800s
  5. 8. System where landowners let freedmen use their land, gave them seed and tools
  6. 9. The "_____" Class in Minnesota cities had the lowest paying jobs with the most dangerous working conditions
  7. 11. The US bought this future US state from Russia in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars
  8. 13. Nickname given to the original wheat farmers of Minnesota who broke up the tough soil
  9. 16. The 15th Amendment gave all Black American MEN the right to _____ in 1870
  10. 18. This Minnesota city was the site of the execution of 38 Dakota prisoners of the US/Dakota War
  11. 20. Belief in working for the ____ meant working as a group to improve the lives of others (2 words)
  12. 22. a city with access to a railroad was called a _____
  13. 23. A ____ of wheat is equal 1.25 cubic feet of farmland
  14. 24. Civil War battle fought in Pennsylvania in July 1863
  15. 25. When a company controls all or most of an industry
  16. 27. Relatively flat land reaching over 3,000 miles across US stretching to Canada (2 words)
  17. 28. Massacre that "ended" the Indian Wars Period
  18. 29. When workers refuse to work until their demands are met
  19. 30. The _____ Act was a 1862 law giving 160 acres of FREE land to anyone who would farm it for at least 5 years
  20. 37. Massacre in Colorado of 123 Native American mostly women and children (2 words)
  21. 39. The right to vote
  22. 42. Bloodiest one day battle of the Civil War
  23. 43. Farming tool used to break up tough soil for farming, usually pulled by teams of oxen or horses (2 words)