7th Natural selection

  1. 2. the major changes in body form and structure that takes many thousands of years
  2. 4. ____ structures are similar structures found in 2 or more different species, it suggests a common ancestor and is evidence of evolution
  3. 5. is the idea that organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species that don’t have those traits
  4. 9. this can influence natural selection it is when resources are limited and a species must compete to survive
  5. 11. a new species can form if one part of a population gets ___ from another
  6. 13. when organisms die and leave behind preserved remains they are called this
  7. 16. Darwin felt that Helpful variations would increase in a population while unfavorable ones would ____
  8. 17. these are small changes that add up to big changes over a long period
  9. 22. a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
  10. 24. the small gradual changes within a population like size and color
  11. 26. organisms no longer exists and never will again
  12. 32. when one organism takes in another and they co-exist
  13. 33. some species show homologous structure early in ___ development, it suggests a common ancestor and is evidence of evolution
  14. 35. when saying “survival of the fittest” we really mean the organism is able to live to ___ and pass the favorable traits to offspring
  15. 36. natural selection is sometimes called “___ of the ____”
  16. 37. this is when new species evolve during short periods of rapid change
  17. 38. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that Fossils resembled many of the organisms alive _____
  18. 39. Darwin Found fossils of _____ animals that resembled ____ ones of the day
  19. 40. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that The world has tremendous ______
  20. 41. when only those organisms with desired traits are selected to reproduce it is called ___ ___
  21. 42. LUCA stands for this
  1. 1. Lamarck’s __ __ ____ believed that organisms could change during their lifetime by selectively using or not using parts of their body (not true)
  2. 3. these look similar to a family tree, it is constructed to show relationships with organisms that are closely related on closer branches
  3. 6. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that Animal species are ____ but have different characteristics to occupy
  4. 7. when 2 or more species that interact closely can affect each other’s evolution
  5. 8. this is the random process of a gene (trait) being lost due to something unexpected
  6. 10. a book Darwin wrote to explain Natural Selection, 5 words
  7. 12. this early scientist did have some Good ideas: evolution takes place by small gradual steps and that simple organisms could develop over many generations into more complex ones
  8. 14. ____ structures are structures that have similar function due to organisms living in the same type of environment, it does NOT suggest a common ancestor it is simply a product of adapting to the environment
  9. 15. “it is not the strongest or most intelligent species that survive, but the one most adaptable to ____” Charles Darwin
  10. 18. similarities in ___ or the code of life shows evidence for evolution
  11. 19. this is introducing new genes to a population from new comers coming in
  12. 20. he developed the first Classification system
  13. 21. this can influence natural selection; it is the differences between individuals
  14. 23. this can influence natural selection- when a species produces more offspring than can survive
  15. 25. she Collected fossils and Realized some animals from the past are not alive anymore
  16. 27. they think the first ___ cell came into being through endosymbiosis between 2 prokaryotic cells
  17. 28. _____ in genes cause changes and variations
  18. 29. His discoveries studying rocks had him estimating Earth was over 300 million years old
  19. 30. for a mutation to get passed to offspring, the mutation MUST occur in the fertilized ___ ___ of the parent
  20. 31. ____ ____ are changes in gene “expression” not in the DNA sequences
  21. 34. organisms sometimes practice ___ ___ in choosing a mate. Maybe they are more brightly colored or make a better nest than another trying to find a mate
  22. 40. he set out on 5year trip aboard the HMS Beagle as a naturalist