8 extraordinary channels

  1. 3. master point of the yin motility
  2. 6. TW5 is the master point for this channel
  3. 8. master point of the Du Mai
  4. 10. another name for the conception vessel
  5. 11. coupled channel of chong mai
  6. 12. this channel has a master point of GB-41
  7. 13. coupled channel of yang motility
  8. 14. coupled channel of ren mai
  9. 15. another name for the du mai vessel
  10. 16. another name for yang motility
  11. 17. another name for chong mai
  12. 19. this channel has a master point of LU7
  1. 1. this channel has a master point of SP-4
  2. 2. another name for yin wei mai
  3. 4. another name for girdling vessel
  4. 5. coupled channel of du mai
  5. 7. another name for yang wei mai
  6. 9. another name for yang qiao mai
  7. 18. master point of the yin linking vessel