8 Food

  1. 5. Carbohydrates break down into…
  2. 7. A disease caused by lack of iodine
  3. 9. A disease caused by too much energy and too little exercise
  4. 10. Fats break down into fatty acids and…
  5. 12. This affects the shape of enzymes' active sites
  6. 14. A nutrient for stored energy
  7. 16. The intestine where salt and water are absorbed
  8. 17. The colour of biurets
  9. 18. The substrate in an enzyme reaction is like a…
  10. 19. The colour when benedict's is heated with sugar
  11. 21. The liquid that transports molecules around the body
  12. 22. A disease caused by lack of protein
  13. 24. Used in the test for protein
  14. 26. A piece of equipment needed to test for sugar
  15. 28. The filter paper after it has been rubbed with fat
  16. 30. The colour when biuret's is added to protein
  17. 33. When the active site of an enzyme has changed shape
  18. 34. The active site of an enzyme is like a…
  19. 35. Fats break down into glycerol and…
  20. 37. A disease cause by lack of iron
  21. 38. Breaking food down into small soluble molecules
  22. 39. Movement of molecules from high to low concentration
  23. 42. Enzyme that digests fats
  24. 44. A nutrient required for a healthy body
  25. 45. Used in the test for starch
  26. 46. A molecule that speeds up chemical reactions
  1. 1. Enzyme that digests protein
  2. 2. A unit of energy
  3. 3. A nutrient for tissue repair and growth
  4. 4. Structures that increase the surface area of the intestines
  5. 6. Small soluble molecules are taken into the blood stream
  6. 8. The colour when iodine is added to starch
  7. 11. A nutrient for energy
  8. 13. A nutrient
  9. 14. Used in the test for fat
  10. 15. A word describing what filter paper looks like
  11. 17. The colour of iodine
  12. 20. The organ containing hydrochloric acid
  13. 23. Proteins break down into…
  14. 24. Used in the test for sugar
  15. 25. A disease caused by lack of vitamin C
  16. 27. The molecule that fits into enzymes' active sites
  17. 29. The intestine where nutrients are absorbed
  18. 31. A disease caused by lack of vitamin D
  19. 32. Enzyme that digests carbohydrates
  20. 36. A nutrient that is always a chemical element
  21. 40. A nutrient that keeps the digestive system moving
  22. 41. The temperature or pH where an enzyme works best
  23. 43. The smallest part of an organism