
  1. 7. / the use of figurative language to create visual representations of actions, objects and ideas in our minds in such a way that they appeal to our physical senses.
  2. 8. / Literally, the study of knowledge.
  3. 9. / compare two distinct objects and draws similarities between them using ‘as’ or ‘like’
  4. 11. / philosopher (1724 – 1804 CE) Main interests: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Cosmogony. Notable ideas: Categorical imperative, Transcendental idealism, Synthetic a priori, Noumenon, Sapere aude, Nebular hypothesis
  5. 12. / philosopher (1889-1951 CE) Main interests: logic, metaphysics, philosophy of language; math; mind, Epistemology. Notable ideas: Picture theory of language, truth functions, states of affairs, logical necessity, meaning is use, language games, private language argument, rule following, forms of life, anti-realism, semantic externalism, quietism.
  6. 13. / the belief that one’s culture and way of life are superior to those of other groups.
  7. 17. / philosopher (341-270 BCE) main interests ‘atomism’ and ‘materialism,’ notable ideas ‘moving pleasures’ and ‘static pleasures’
  8. 18. / literary technique in which an abstract idea is given a form of characters, actions or events.
  9. 19. / philosopher (469-399 BCE) teacher of Plato
  10. 20. / compares two distinct objects and draws similarities between them, but does not use ‘as’ or ‘like’
  1. 1. / philosopher (1711-1776 CE) Main interests: epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of religion. Notable ideas: Problem of causation, bundle theory, induction, association of ideas, is-ought problem, utility, science of man.
  2. 2. / the use of words in such a way in which the intended meaning is completely opposite to their literal meaning.
  3. 3. / a political system in which power is allocated solely on the basis of heredity and passes from generation to generation.
  4. 4. / gives a thing, idea, or an animal human qualities.
  5. 5. / the mind body theory that there are two fundamentally different kinds of things in the universe-bodies and minds-neither of which can be reduced to, or analyzed into, the other.
  6. 6. / in Latin means ‘Love of wisdom’
  7. 10. / a process of question and answer between two people
  8. 14. / a deliberate exaggeration of actions and ideas for the sake of emphasis. Ex. Your bag weighs a ton!
  9. 15. / the central idea or concept of a story.
  10. 16. / the systematic study of social interaction at a variety of levels.