
  1. 2. Run into again.
  2. 8. Early animal period.
  3. 11. relating to heat.
  4. 12. Writing the name of oneself.
  5. 13. Being a law to oneself.
  6. 15. Running, Ongoing.
  7. 16. Supplying its own power.
  8. 17. A machine that seems to think for itself.
  9. 22. Not feeling; lack of feeling.
  10. 23. Can be molded or formed when heated.
  11. 24. Device for measuring heat.
  12. 26. Middle animal Period.
  13. 30. Turning toward heat.
  14. 32. Running out; a trip.
  15. 33. Heat.
  16. 34. Study of animals.
  17. 36. A zoological park.
  18. 38. Run.
  1. 1. Small moving square on a computer screen.
  2. 3. To feel what another feels.
  3. 4. Power in one person.
  4. 5. Study of suffering or disease.
  5. 6. Feeling against.
  6. 7. Study that runs over a period of time.
  7. 9. Self moving.
  8. 10. Animal.
  9. 14. Life story written by oneself.
  10. 17. Beginning animal period.
  11. 18. Marked by suffering or sorrow.
  12. 19. Feeling, suffering.
  13. 20. Earliest form of one-celled animal life on earth.
  14. 21. Recent animal period.
  15. 23. Causing heat.
  16. 25. Knowing how someone far away feels.
  17. 27. A running into.
  18. 28. Measures feeling; lie detector.
  19. 29. Earlier animal period.
  20. 31. Writing that runs on without lifting the pen or pencil.
  21. 35. Run against.
  22. 37. Self.