84 Vocabulary Terms

  1. 1. a packet of data
  2. 3. a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgement
  3. 4. ware no cell phone as service
  4. 7. electronic mail
  5. 8. one present but not taking part in a event
  6. 10. name
  7. 11. charges you for internet use
  8. 12. area service provider
  9. 15. a computer network
  10. 17. stores enmous amounts of data
  11. 18. addiction digital technologies
  12. 19. granted by copyright
  13. 20. work that you didnt do
  1. 1. specfic sources
  2. 2. a reason
  3. 5. security certificate
  4. 6. computer programming
  5. 8. a website that is regularly updated and operates
  6. 9. also called a app
  7. 12. the central process
  8. 13. use of letters
  9. 14. computer software
  10. 15. using technology
  11. 16. receiving data
  12. 20. tower a site containing antennas and others electronic communications