8a 6,6a,6b Liutauras

  1. 2. no cash for clothes and other stuff.
  2. 5. stuff we need to survive.
  3. 9. too much people living.
  4. 10. eating fast.
  5. 11. huge number.
  6. 12. very popular food to eat at morning with milk.
  7. 14. where would you hide if ww3 began?
  8. 15. what do you eat?
  1. 1. cutting down trees.
  2. 3. countries fighting.
  3. 4. people with no home.
  4. 6. stuff which help plants grow faster.
  5. 7. when you really want to eat.
  6. 8. poisoned stuff becomes?
  7. 13. what makes you smell nice?