
  1. 1. a king's region
  2. 4. extreme
  3. 6. the University is one of these
  4. 7. "I double dog dare ya!" to do this
  5. 9. this behavior/these remarks can get you in ISS
  6. 11. having a lot and then a little
  7. 12. leaves on trees in the winter
  8. 13. to expand like the pupils in your eyes
  9. 15. to comfort
  10. 18. a debt
  11. 19. may make a good boxer
  1. 1. paying someone back
  2. 2. this is why people get the flu shot
  3. 3. you have to take this out
  4. 5. a face lift will do this
  5. 8. ridiculous
  6. 10. a pledge
  7. 14. a place for children, elderly etc.
  8. 16. excellent, genuine
  9. 17. old wood boards left in the weather do this