8th Grade

  1. 2. Guadalupe
  2. 4. Sits with Eugenia
  3. 5. Loves Real Madrid more than school
  4. 7. Sits in the back of the room with Mrs. Campbell
  5. 9. Is tired of yelling at students
  6. 13. Loves to sit in the back chairs when he is not supposed to
  7. 14. Gets in trouble with the other Erick in Ms. Snyder's class
  8. 15. Amarillo Amarillo Amarillo Platano
  9. 16. Cabeza de Cuadrado
  10. 17. Loves a boy who loves Scarface
  11. 19. In love with "mi man"
  1. 1. New to our class
  2. 3. From Oaxaca, Mexico
  3. 6. From San Lorenzo, Honduras
  4. 8. Colombiano
  5. 10. Is from Guatemala and is quiet; knows Akateko
  6. 11. Knows Akateko
  7. 12. Sits in the front and loves Takis
  8. 15. Loves Deadpool
  9. 18. Loves Andreek at the moment