8th Grade Vocab (Final)

  1. 1. the five year old boy tries to _______ his older brother
  2. 3. boldness
  3. 5. the fire alarm _______ the school
  4. 8. an unshakable belief in something
  5. 10. the robber was ____ for money
  6. 12. the state of being aggressive of forceful
  7. 13. cautious
  8. 14. held back
  9. 15. the little girl was _________ to get back on her feet after falling down the stairs
  1. 2. not mandatory
  2. 4. ridicule
  3. 6. when the mom saw the broken glass she _______ her children to come to her
  4. 7. remain president although waning or gradually dying
  5. 9. forcefully
  6. 11. cause to move forward with force