8th Grade Words- Puzzle 4

  1. 3. Affected by a mood disorder that causes experiences of depression and mania that alternate.
  2. 4. A man who belongs to a religious society founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in 1534.
  3. 6. A woody or herbaceous plant that has roots in the ground but climbs like a vine.
  4. 7. A shiver or trembling: a pleasing sensation of fear or dread: a thrill.
  5. 10. People who tell the future by looking at how the position of the stars in the sky supposedly affects people's lives and events on Earth.
  6. 11. Containing or making the sound of the /s/ or the /sh/ in sash.
  7. 12. Emptied.
  1. 1. A path or room that is underground.
  2. 2. Ancient treatises written in Vedic that deal with philosophical topics.
  3. 5. A doctor who specializes in treating behavioral, mental, or emotional issues and disorders.
  4. 8. Stirring up.
  5. 9. To calm down: to soothe or make less upset.