8th Sept Endocrine

  1. 2. S/E of 5 drugs starting with C
  2. 5. Metabolite for ACTH function test
  3. 6. Bartter and Gitelmann can be differentiated by which ion ?
  4. 7. KPD is aka which diabetes?
  5. 9. Syndrome of Adrenal adenoma
  6. 10. Gland which is adult sized in foetus
  1. 1. Type of rickets due to resistance to calcitriol
  2. 3. Pneumosinus dialatans is a/w?
  3. 4. Gene involved in Carney’s complex
  4. 8. Defective protein in Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia
  5. 9. Saline infusion test is confirmatory IOC for which syndrome