8th US Benchmark 2 Crossword Review

  1. 3. This amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
  2. 6. Tunnels basted through mountains, bridges built across rivers, hills leveled and valley filled, these environmental modifications were made in order to construct the _____________ railroad.
  3. 8. The creation of Congress to carry out the will of the people represents this constitutional principle.
  4. 12. One result of industrialization in the United States was that _________ differences increased.
  5. 14. ____________ became a widespread practice in the U.S. because of the need for agricultural labor increased as a result of expanded cotton production.
  6. 15. This constitutional principle explains how powers are divided between the national government and the state government.
  7. 16. This document guarantees protection of your rights, like the right of protection against excessive bail and cruel punishment.
  8. 20. Slavery expanded into new acquired territories after this invention made processing cotton faster and growing cotton more profitable.
  9. 23. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were the leaders of America's first two _______________.
  10. 24. Irish and German _____________ came to the U.S. to escape starvation from crop failure and see economic opportunity.
  11. 28. George Washigton wanted the United States to follow a policy of _________ in regards to foreign nations.
  12. 29. The Whiskey Rebellion, Alien and Sedition Acts, and Marbury v. Madison are all examples of __________ issues faced by the leaders of the new republic.
  13. 31. The Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison first stated the principle that the courts may declare a federal law ______________.
  1. 1. The __________ Ordinance outlined the process for admitting a new state into the Union and also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in new territories.
  2. 2. The purchase of ___________ provided the United States with access to the vast resources of western lands.
  3. 4. This amendment declares that individual states are given powers not granted to the federal government.
  4. 5. In this type of economic system there is limited government interference in business, and prices are determined by supply and demand.
  5. 7. This amendment was created to prevent soldiers from being housed in private homes without the owner’s consent.
  6. 9. The President vetoing a law passed by congress, then the congress overriding a presidential veto is an example of which Constitutional Principle.
  7. 10. This was the main crop grown on plantations in the southern United States.
  8. 11. During the ______ Crisis southern states felt they had the right to overrule and act passed by Congress since the national government is supposed to share power with the states.
  9. 13. The main reason for the __________ Doctrine was to prevent European intervention in countries near the United States.
  10. 17. Rights The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution are an example of this constitutional principle.
  11. 18. This principle bestows the right to vote in a democracy and also the civic duty to do so.
  12. 19. Wahsington stopped this rebellion and showed the country that under the Constitution military action could be used to enforce laws.
  13. 21. Iron ore, coal, timber, and rivers are examples of the abundant _________ that helped the United States become a major industrial power in the early 19th century.
  14. 22. The formation of political parties in the U.S. can be traced back to a disagreement over whether congress should create a ______________ and raise tariffs.
  15. 25. This occurred when workers moved closer to manufacturing centers after the development of the factory system.
  16. 26. Northern manufacturers increased their production of textiles, which could not be imported from England during the _____________.
  17. 27. One effect of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was that ___________ among the populations of northern and southern states increased.
  18. 30. One of the most significant contributions to the industrial development in the Northeast was the construction of the _____ canal.