9-6 Climate

  1. 3. When water covers land, it is ...
  2. 5. This is the warmest season in Britain
  3. 6. This climate is the driest.
  4. 11. The most disastrous cyclone in the USA
  5. 12. Tragic event
  6. 13. harm caused to cities and nature
  1. 1. The climate near the water is...
  2. 2. This is Belarusian climate
  3. 4. What is the ... loke today?
  4. 7. This season is after winter.
  5. 8. There are 4 ...s in Belarus
  6. 9. It is the coldest season in Belarus
  7. 10. British climate is ...
  8. 14. The coldest climate is called...