9 Civics Revision

  1. 4. a set of rules that sets out how a country is to be run
  2. 8. this court hears all serious cases except murder and manslaughter
  3. 11. a type of civil case where an individual claims they have suffered an injury
  4. 12. this court hears constitutional cases and appeals from lower courts
  5. 13. the person in a civil or criminal case who is the accused
  1. 1. the person in a civil case who is making a claim against another person
  2. 2. this type of law is made by a parliament
  3. 3. this court is the lowest in the state hierarchy
  4. 5. this is the Queensland court that hears very serious cases such as murder or manslaughter
  5. 6. the party in a criminal case that is accusing someone of a criminal act
  6. 7. the name of a law before it is approved through the houses of parliament receives royal assent
  7. 9. these legal cases involve disputes between individuals
  8. 10. this has to pass for a change to the Constitution
  9. 13. this type of majority is required for a referendum to be successful