90s Songs

  1. 1. Someone who's crazy.
  2. 3. Question you might ask while playing soccer.
  3. 11. Referring to an odor, probably foul.
  4. 13. Hide and seek.
  5. 14. Found on a playground.
  6. 15. Essential for an introduction.
  7. 19. South Beach city.
  8. 20. Post-surgery.
  9. 21. Relatively short period of time.
  10. 22. "I swear ___!".
  1. 2. Very sticky.
  2. 4. A haven for criminals.
  3. 5. Famous activist.
  4. 6. There's probably water here.
  5. 7. Spiked plant friend.
  6. 8. "When do we need to leave?"
  7. 9. Dairy, money.
  8. 10. A song you can taste.
  9. 12. Not a winner.
  10. 16. The best of the best.
  11. 17. Christmas-sounding.
  12. 18. Undead person.
  13. 23. Doctor for life.