
  1. 1. Number of planes which was first planned
  2. 3. One of the origin of Hijackers
  3. 5. Theory stated that the bomb was set in the basement of WTC
  4. 7. Operational mastermind of the 9/11 attacks
  5. 9. Number of hijackers took part in the 9/11 attacks
  6. 11. Mohammed first presented the idea for the September 11 in this country
  7. 12. Flight did passengers fight back against the terrorists
  8. 13. They attacked US on 9/11.
  9. 14. Theory that known variants of such devices were used can be rejected out of hand
  1. 1. One of the memorials created after 9/11 attacks
  2. 2. Theory claimed by Reynolds stated that planes could not penetrated WTC
  3. 4. Famous government building did a plane crash into
  4. 6. founder of al-qaeda
  5. 8. City did Flight 93 crash
  6. 10. An international military campaign that started after the September 11 attacks