9/18: Extra Credit Crossword

  1. 3. Goats and horses only receive venipuncture in ______ restraint
  2. 5. Hamsters are only awake at night - they are __________
  3. 7. The name of the vein in a cat's inner back thigh
  4. 8. Ms. Amigh broke her _____ arm
  5. 13. Our school mascot
  6. 14. The name of the vein in the throat
  7. 15. The Jerboa mouse that we saw yesterday had really long ____
  8. 16. A household fluffy tool you can use to restrain a guinea pig or rabbit
  9. 19. The Hogwarts house that Ms Amigh is in (wisdom, intelligence, wit)
  1. 1. Ms. Amigh wore her hair in a ___ yesterday (hope you were paying attention to my lesson!)
  2. 2. The dress up theme from yesterday for Spirit Week
  3. 3. Ferrets cannot ______ when they are being scruffed
  4. 4. What animal comes to our Doggy Daycare?
  5. 6. We back dogs up to the ____ in a sitting restraint to prevent them from escaping
  6. 9. Never pick up a bunny by its ____
  7. 10. Cows and pigs receive venipuncture in the coccygeal vein found in their ____
  8. 11. The recumbency position in which an animal is on their back
  9. 12. The type of counselor you see for a schedule change
  10. 17. Anything that is not a cat or dog is considered to be an _____ animal when it comes to veterinary practices
  11. 18. Ms. Amigh has ____ cats