9.1/9.2 Vocab

  1. 2. The sciencey term for the pivot under a lever.
  2. 4. A two word quantity that is calculated to show how much a machine can multiply your force or distance.
  3. 6. A three word reminder on how we get the energy for simple machines
  4. 7. If you want a machine to GIVE you more force you MUST put more _____________ into the machine than you get out of it.
  5. 9. The metric unit for power.
  6. 10. If the work equation is put into the triangle, what goes on top (you need the term not the variable for the crossword).
  7. 12. The 'merican unit for power commonly used for engines.
  8. 14. Even though they do not look like it at first, pulleys are in which family of simple machines?
  1. 1. A two word phrase that describes tools like pulleys, levers, etc.
  2. 3. The 'merican unit for energy still used commonly when describing the energy stored in food.
  3. 5. A two word term that describes when you combine simple machines together to get even more mechanical advantage.
  4. 8. The calculated quantity that describes how quickly something can do work.
  5. 11. The metric unit for work/energy.
  6. 13. Simple machines can only give you __________ energy compared to what you put into them (less, more, or same).