9A-Unit2 Great minds

  1. 2. the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth.
  2. 5. to do what you are told or expected to
  3. 10. the events in a story, play, etc.
  4. 11. to think about sth. carefully, especially in order to make a decision; to think of sb./sth. in a particular way
  5. 13. the quality in sth that makes it funny or amusing; the ability to laugh at things that are amusing
  6. 14. to prevent sth. bad from happening
  7. 16. a thing that sb. has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill
  8. 20. having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc.
  9. 21. an understanding about sth.; an ability to judge sth.
  10. 22. the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.
  11. 23. the belief that sb./ sth. is good, sincere, honest, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you
  12. 24. a place where you can sit, for example a chair
  13. 25. a formal set of ideas that in intended to explain why sth. happens or exists
  14. 26. a scientist who studies astronomy
  1. 1. to make sth. less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.
  2. 3. the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the starts
  3. 4. used to emphasize that sth. is correct in every way or in every detail
  4. 6. on or during the evening or night of today
  5. 7. unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability; a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic, or who has a very high level of skill, especially in one area
  6. 8. the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel; a person who is very intelligent
  7. 9. an institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree or do research
  8. 12. a person who studies or writes about philosophy; s person who thinks deeply about things
  9. 15. a spoken or written request to sb. to do sth. or to go somewhere
  10. 17. the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands and sometimes shouting to show their approval or enjoyment
  11. 18. a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied
  12. 19. a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, ofen as part of a university or college course