9th Grade Syllabus + Class Scavenger Hunt

  1. 3. Teacher Name
  2. 6. ___a____ and/or academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes ______ another students words, ideas, improper or _________
  3. 7. 21st Century Leadership Skill includes ________, Communicating Powerfully, and Completing Projects ________
  4. 11. Reading Materials include: Metamorphoses, __________, Romeo & Juliet, and _____b_______.
  5. 13. Rex Reading Materials include: Metamorphoses, ____a______, Romeo & Juliet, and ____________.
  6. 14. These words are colored on a blue canvas
  7. 16. 21st Century Leadership Skill includes ________, Effectively Communicating Powerfully, and Completing Projects _____.
  8. 17. Exit the classroom on this slide (this information is in the class somewhere)
  1. 1. This area has resources for coloring/reflecting, Choose Love books, personal care resources
  2. 2. _______ and/or academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes __b____ another students words, ideas, improper or _________
  3. 4. _______ and/or academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes ______ another students words, ideas, improper or ___c______
  4. 5. This category of your grade includes performance on essays, portfolio tasks, projects, etc.
  5. 8. Enter the classroom on this side (this information is in the class somewhere)
  6. 9. Look at the teacher recommendations, which text was written by Natalie Babbitt?
  7. 10. Check the signs in the class, we are all in this ____.
  8. 12. You _____ to me
  9. 15. Office hour days are ___ and Thursday