9W Poetry

  1. 2. Language that is used to make a reader feel things
  2. 4. an extreme exaggeration
  3. 6. the repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words
  4. 9. language that is used to describe the 5 senses
  5. 11. Using words to create pictures in our minds
  6. 13. the word is also the sound
  1. 1. words or sounds that repeat
  2. 3. A direct comparison using 'is' or 'are', not literal
  3. 5. Giving a non-living thing human characteristics
  4. 7. A comparison using 'like' or 'as'
  5. 8. describing words
  6. 10. when a 'something' represents a bigger idea
  7. 12. Repetition of nearby words or sounds