A and P intro

  1. 3. Plane dividing into anterior and posterior
  2. 5. Plane through the midline right and left parts
  3. 10. Towards the surface
  4. 13. Towards the head
  5. 15. Connective System
  6. 16. Towards the midline
  7. 17. System to deliver oxygen to the cells
  8. 18. Of the head
  9. 19. System of bones
  10. 21. Collection of organs that have a common function
  11. 22. Away from the surface
  12. 23. Away from the trunk
  1. 1. Away from the head
  2. 2. Towards the tail Same as Inferior
  3. 4. Collection of cells
  4. 6. The rear of the body
  5. 7. Same plane as median
  6. 8. System of the heart and blood vessels
  7. 9. Towards the trunk
  8. 11. System of chemical communication
  9. 12. The front of the body
  10. 14. Eric's favorite system
  11. 20. Away from the midline