A Central Asian Tale of Two Cities

  1. 1. an Uzbek word meaning feast
  2. 4. Osh’s Soviet sector is confi ned along either bank of the ...
  3. 8. open-air market
  4. 10. The Valley where Osh city is situated.
  5. 11. OshTV was established after independence,broadcasts its news in _____ languages.
  6. 15. was name of Kyrgyz Republic before its independence from USSR.
  7. 17. a planned pedestrian-oriented zone of multi-storyresidential buildings integrated with a variety of services and retail outlets within a short walking distance.
  1. 2. the second largest city in the Kyrgyz Republic
  2. 3. leadership position status of citizens to serve alongside European leaders.
  3. 5. neighborhoods are populated mostly by ethnic Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan.
  4. 6. run most of the small-scale, day-by-day economic activities of the city, which are associated with their history as sedentary farmers, craftsmen, and traders.
  5. 7. sell commodities associated with their pastoral past: milk products (including kymyz or fermented
  6. 9. milk in the spring—sour and smelling like strong cheese and quite refreshing), wool, and felt rugs and hats; but since independence they increasingly sell agricultural and manufactured products as well.
  7. 12. have tended to sell items or services of more specialized taste, such as European furniture, lighting fixtures, etc.
  8. 13. Uzbek outdoor central courtyard.
  9. 14. Uzbek houses
  10. 16. lingua franca of Central Asians.