A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

  1. 4. to look hard at something or someone for a long time
  2. 6. someone who works in an office, writing letters
  3. 9. a coin in old British money
  4. 10. December 24th, a day before Christmas
  5. 11. nonsense, silly ideas; dishonest or untrue words
  6. 13. A mean old man
  7. 15. Scrooge's long-dead partner
  8. 16. very small
  1. 1. someone who owns a business with another person
  2. 2. happy, cheerful
  3. 3. a thing shaped like a tall hat, which you put on a candle to stop it from burning
  4. 5. the ghost of a dead body
  5. 6. His torch gives every dinner a special taste
  6. 7. to touch someone lovingly, with your lips
  7. 8. a special song that people sing at Christmas
  8. 12. very pleased and happy
  9. 14. A thin white cover of ice on the ground in the very cold weather