A Christmas Carol

  1. 3. The time Scrooge waited before he noticed the second Spirit was here.
  2. 4. Scrooge's clerk's hometown name.
  3. 5. A man that likes one of Scrooge's niece's sisters.
  4. 6. The name of the monstrous-looking girl.
  5. 9. The time Marley's Ghost said to expect the first Spirit.
  6. 10. The size of the Ghost of Christmas Present.
  7. 11. Scrooge's partner that passed away.
  8. 12. The third Spirit was the Ghost of:
  9. 15. The last place the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come took Scrooge to.
  10. 16. The second place Scrooge saw Marley's face.
  11. 17. A man that was Scrooge's boss when he was younger.
  12. 18. The time Marley's Ghost said to expect the third Spirit.
  13. 19. What the Ghost of Christmas Present wore.
  14. 20. What the Ghost of Christmas Present wore on his head.
  15. 21. The Ghost of Christmas Present's hairstyle.
  16. 24. What the Ghost of Christmas Present's torch looked like.
  17. 25. The name of the Cratchit's oldest daughter.
  18. 29. What the first Spirit held under its arms.
  19. 32. Number of Spirits that haunted Scrooge.
  20. 33. When the Ghost of Christmas Present's life ends.
  21. 35. What Marley's Ghost dragged with him.
  22. 37. The name of the monstrous-looking boy.
  23. 38. What the first Spirit opened to get Scrooge's attention.
  1. 1. The name of the owner of a junk dealer.
  2. 2. The name of Scrooge's clerk.
  3. 6. The color of the first Spirit's hair.
  4. 7. Years that Marley has been dead for.
  5. 8. What the Ghost of Christmas Present held in his hand.
  6. 12. The second Spirit was the Ghost of:
  7. 13. The first Spirit was the Ghost of:
  8. 14. The Ghost of Christmas Present's feet were:
  9. 22. Where Scrooge first saw Marley's face.
  10. 23. The girl that Scrooge was going to marry.
  11. 26. The Cratchit's second daughter.
  12. 27. The amount of "Bob" Bob Cratchit earned a week.
  13. 28. The Cratchit's young crippled son.
  14. 30. What Scrooge saw to know that the Ghost of Christmas Present was here.
  15. 31. The day Marley died.
  16. 34. The little girl that wanted to bring Scrooge home to celebrate Christmas.
  17. 36. The name of Scrooge's nephew.