A Christmas Story

  1. 2. What street did Ralphie live on?
  2. 5. What did the family hear when his dad went downstairs to fix the furnace?
  3. 8. How many minutes did Ralphie’s dad take to change the flat tire?
  4. 11. What color were the bully’s eyes?
  5. 12. What did Ralphie’s dad trip on when he went downstairs to fix the furnace?
  6. 13. What was the major prize?
  7. 15. What did the family eat for Christmas?
  8. 17. what grade did Ralphie get on his theme paper?
  9. 19. what radio show did Ralphie and his brother like to listen to?
  1. 1. What was the bully’s name?
  2. 3. Who ate the Christmas turkey?
  3. 4. What did Ralphie get from his Aunt for Christmas?
  4. 6. What was Ralphie’s brothers name?
  5. 7. When someone is dared what is the final one?
  6. 9. What was the toadie’s name?
  7. 10. What did Ralphie’s dad get for Christmas?
  8. 14. What is the name of the Lone Rangers nephews horse?
  9. 16. What color were the toadie’s teeth?
  10. 18. What toy did Ralphie’s brother get for Christmas (that he fell asleep with)?