
  1. 4. A group of people born at about the same time
  2. 7. Used to learn about behavior and mental processes that can be observed in the natural setting or studied experimentally.
  3. 8. A method of scientific investigation that seeks to discover cause-and-effect relationships by introducing independent variables and observing their effects on dependent variables.
  4. 12. The scientific ________ is a systematic way of formulating and answering research questions.
  5. 14. A type of test that examines some ability or trait in which an individual's score is compared to the score of a group of similar individuals.
  1. 1. A specific statement about behavior that is tested by research.
  2. 2. A carefully drawn biography of the life of an individual.
  3. 3. A method of scientific observation in which children are observed in their natural environments.
  4. 4. A relationship between variables in which one variable increases as a second variable also increases.
  5. 5. A condition received by subjects so that its effects may be observed.
  6. 6. _________ variables are the measured results, which depends on the independent variable.
  7. 9. ________ standards promote the dignity of the individual, foster human welfare, and maintain scientific integrity.
  8. 10. Research that studies the same children repeatedly over time.
  9. 11. _________ variables are manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects can be determined.
  10. 13. Quantities that can vary from child to child or from occasion to occasion