A collection of Cal Memories

  1. 5. a healthy way to relax
  2. 8. short, but fast movement
  3. 9. make of importance, worry
  4. 11. actor Wallach from the good the bad the ugly
  5. 13. me to you
  6. 14. Olympian swimmer from Cal, Nathan
  7. 16. simp, see you later
  8. 17. arguably a hard song to conduct
  9. 19. A wrap eaten on ordinary days
  1. 1. Cal QB #13
  2. 2. vir, qmcat
  3. 3. small fish
  4. 4. Child full of woe
  5. 6. to have more of, gum
  6. 7. kpop group
  7. 8. absence of words
  8. 10. motto: friendship
  9. 12. dentist’s favorite word
  10. 15. “Troy and abed in the ____”
  11. 18. staple in many meals