A Crossword Challenge for Marketing Minds

  1. 4. Three level of product are core, augmented and _____.
  2. 6. It refers to the physical storage and warehousing of goods before they are sold to customers.
  3. 8. It is the financial plan that outlines how a company will allocate resources to its marketing activities over a specific period, typically a year or a quarter.
  4. 10. Marketing _____ is a set of marketing variables that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.
  5. 12. The important element of promotion mix is
  6. 15. The one who is a versatile professional who wears many hats in the exciting world of promoting and connecting products or services with their target audience.
  7. 16. The process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.
  8. 17. A place where buyers and sellers of goods and commodities meet their common intentions to exchange goods and services.
  9. 19. Selling the same product at different prices is known as _____
  10. 20. The oldest form of exchange-trading of products is known as _____.
  11. 21. In which marketing strategy the business target the entire market with a single marketing mix.
  12. 22. The Movement of People, Goods from one place to another is known as _____
  13. 24. Total cost is the sum of _____ and variable cost.
  14. 28. The final phase of PLC.
  15. 30. PLC stands for _____ Life Cycle.
  16. 33. Goods that the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares on the basis of suitability, quality, price, and style.(such as furniture)
  17. 35. The process of creating a distinct image or identity in minds of consumers for product, brand or company.
  18. 40. Exchange value of a product or service always express in money.
  19. 41. The difference between the revenue generated and the expenses incurred.
  20. 42. Fixed cost is also known as _____ cost.
  21. 45. A concise and clear statement that effectively communicates what sets you apart and delivers unique value to your target audience.
  22. 46. Sub-division of the entire market.
  23. 47. The process of producing goods of predetermined standards so as to achieve the uniformity and consistency in products.
  24. 48. The goods that are usually purchased frequently, immediately and with a minimum of effort. (Such as newspaper)
  1. 1. A phenomenon where companies focus too narrowly on their products and services and failed to see broader market and customer need is known as marketing _____.
  2. 2. There are four major factors that affect consumer behaviour, namely cultural, social, personal, and _____
  3. 3. In PESTAL analysis “T” stands for
  4. 5. A person who consumes a product or service.
  5. 6. Goods with unique characteristics or brand identification
  6. 7. A big-box store combining a supermarket and a department store.
  7. 9. Product that a consumer doesn’t know about or does not want to actively buy even he is aware of the product.
  8. 11. The first phase of PLC
  9. 13. Cost which vary directly with the level of production is known as _____ cost.
  10. 14. _____cost/production = Average Cost.
  11. 18. The process of defining your marketing goals, outlining strategies to achieve them, and creating a roadmap for your marketing activities over a specific period.
  12. 23. A Favourable Chance or situation for doing something.
  13. 25. Want for a specific product backed by an ability to pay is called _____
  14. 26. Father of Modern Management.
  15. 27. Online and Offline medium of market is _____ and Click model.
  16. 29. A graphic representation or symbol of a company name.
  17. 31. Setting a price in comparison with competitors.
  18. 32. A marketing strategy of targeting a large number of niche markets with products or servies.
  19. 33. _____price refers to the high initial price charged when a new product is introduced in the market.
  20. 34. 5 M’s of Advertising are Money, Media, Measurement, Message and _____.
  21. 36. Self service food store with grocery.
  22. 37. CVP stands for Customer _____ Proposition.
  23. 38. It refers to the skills, resources, and advantages that allow a company or individual to excel in achieving their marketing goals and effectively reaching their target audience.
  24. 39. Managerial functions are Planning,organising, Staffing, directing and ____.
  25. 43. Same product is sold at different prices to different set of consumers it is called Price _____.
  26. 44. It refers to tangible, physical products that consumers can see, touch, and use.