A Ghost in the Attic - Vocabulary Review

  1. 3. jumped
  2. 5. moved or flew with quick, light, flapping movements
  3. 8. sadly
  4. 9. easy to see or understand
  5. 10. looked at closely
  6. 11. walk as if you are about to fall
  7. 12. lifted shoulders upward as a sign of not caring or not knowing
  8. 13. screamed
  1. 1. difficult to hear because something is covering and softening the sound
  2. 2. a person who investigates mysteries and gathers information
  3. 4. making a sudden forward movement to try to get someone or something
  4. 6. a heavy, pounding sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
  5. 7. breathe in quickly from being scared or surprised
  6. 11. to move quickly with short steps (usually a small animal)
  7. 13. laughed quietly but rudely