A Glassful of Thanksgiving

  1. 6. Faith belief of these Polish glassmakers
  2. 7. Focal town of Cocca's research
  3. 8. Jellied sauce popular at Thanksgiving
  4. 9. Indian tribe which shared meal with Poles
  5. 10. Cocca wrote article for this WNY magazine
  6. 12. Reason first Thanksgiving is not recognized
  7. 15. Company of London which underwrote trip
  8. 17. English faith which segregated Poles
  9. 19. Traditional main meal at Thanksgiving
  10. 20. Amino acid in turkey causing sleepiness
  1. 1. NY town that Cocca calls home
  2. 2. Responsible for Thanksgiving on Thursdays
  3. 3. Traditional MA town linked to Thanksgiving
  4. 4. Cocca has a degree in this field
  5. 5. First Thanksgiving was __ years earlier
  6. 11. Polish glassmakers landed here in 160_
  7. 13. NY glass museum not citing Pole pioneers
  8. 14. English king who financed trip to New World
  9. 16. 162_ may not be our first Thanksgiving date
  10. 18. Cocca taught to this grade of students